The Village Provider Roles

Nutrition Approach
We come alongside you to help you identify your unique nutrition needs and rediscover attunement to your body's needs and desires. Everyone’s process is different, but everyone can find healing from disordered eating and chronic dieting. We work to help you reconnect to your own unique food likes and dislikes through using the principles of Intuitive Eating and learning to attune to and trust your body's cues for hunger and fullness. We recognize that you will need some structure and guidance as you begin this work and we will meet you wherever you're at in this process. At Village we believe all bodies are GOOD bodies. We use a body-affirming approach, known as Health At Every Size®, and work to create a nurturing space free from weight stigma. Begin this work today!
We see ourselves as members of your village, to come alongside you and help you feel at home in your body.
It is our privilege to join you in your healing process today.
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