End The Food War! Come, Join Our Village Today.
Our dietitians/nutritionists will work with you as an individual to help you reach your goals for recovery. Every one’s recovery journey is different, but everyone can find recovery from their eating disorder. We work from an Intuitive Eating perspective, reconnecting you to your own unique food likes and dislikes and helping you get to a point where you can attune to and trust your body's own cues for hunger and fullness. We recognize that you will need some structure and guidance as you begin this work and we will meet you wherever you're at in this process. At Village we believe all bodies are GOOD bodies. We have a body-affirming fat positive approach, known as Health At Every Size®, and work to create a nurturing space free from weight stigma. Begin this work today!
Nutrition Therapy
Eating Disorders/
Disordered Eating
Explore your relationship to food, body, and exercise/movement.
Optimize your athletic training and performance through nutrition.
Explore the multitude of factors that influence your athletic performance.
Explore your beliefs around weight/size and performance.
Explore concepts such as attunement, connection, structure, flexibility, variety, permission, joy and freedom as they relate to food, body, and exercise/movement.